Sunday 11 November 2012

Magazine Analysis.

For my magazine analysis i have chosen to look at the cover of vibe magazine. Vibe magazine is of the R&B and Hip Hop genre of music. On the cover is Ciara and the lead line states 'NEW MUSIC NEW BODY NO BOW WOW CIARA DON'T YOU WISH YOUR GIRLFRIEND WAS HOT LIKE ME?'
I think that this lead line has been portrayed in the picture of Ciara as she is wearing tight fitted clothing that will show her figure off, also she is standing in a position so that the reader can see her full body shape.

I think that this the artist was looking to be represented as having a new image and the fact that there is no props in the picture and just a blue background gives her a free feeling which i think links to the lead line 'No Bow Wow' who she is not with anymore. 
 I think that this would appeal to the audience as she fits in with the genre of the magazine (Hip Hop and R&B) and also i think the positioning of Ciara and the lead line may appeal to the male audience whilst also appealing to the female audience.

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