Tuesday 11 December 2012

Magazine Interview Questions

Here are the questions that I will include in my interview with my artist. 

You went on tour for a while, what was the best thing about being on tour?
What was the worst thing about being on tour?
Do you miss anything about being at home?
How long did you know that you wanted to become a singer?
When you were growing up who in the industry was your inspiration?
What genre of music do you listen to most?
What's the craziest thing you have brought?
What has been you most diva moment?
Who is your celebrity crush?
If you could collaborate with any artist who would it be?
What is your must have clothing item?
Has fame changed you and anyone else's attitude towards you?
What is your most listened to CD in your car?
When did you first find out you had a singing talent?
Would you prefer to have a high profile relationship or to be with someone who isn't in the public eye?
If you could sum yourself up in three words what would they be?
If you could sum your fans up in three words, what would they be?

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